After a long battle with technology, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Magnus Hagander"), an 
earthling, wrote:
> 2) Pick upt he default OS timezone. This still need a little bit more
> work. But the code as it stands on Win32 will give you GMT on startup
> unless you specify a TZ in postgresql.conf. On Unix, it goes with the OS
> timezone.

I'd better test that on AIX where they like to use "CUT0" as the
default timezone instead of UTC or GMT.

We ran into "some entertainment" when we first installed on AIX
because of that; PG code that would normally properly interpret a UNIX
timestamp threw up when it got the "CUT" zone...
(format nil "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" "cbbrowne" "")
"I'm sorry,  Mr.   Kipling, but you  just  don't know how to   use the
English Language."  -- Editor of the San Francisco Examiner, informing
Rudyard Kipling, who had one  article published in the newspaper, that
he needn't bother submitting a second, 1889

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