Bruce Momjian wrote:

Andreas Pflug wrote:

I'd like to see the serverlog even if I can't "go and look at the log file", because I don't have file access to the server.

Understand. Unfortunately, we don't allow such functionality. The only solution I can think of is to use syslog and send the logs to a machine where you do have access.

What I mean is not how to set up a log solution, but how to offer a convenient way for the windows spoiled admins who like to have a gui for all kind of stuff, and just wants to hit a button "show server log", regardless of server location and platform type. This is a request that was recommended for pgadmin3.

AFAICS, we have some alternatives:
- try to grab the currently created files/syslog/eventlog. Seems hard to do, because we'd depend on additional external tools.
- redirect stderr to a postgresql.conf known file. Disadvantage: breaks piping.
- maintain a sharedMem for the latest messages. Disadvantage: limited space, no access to older entries after postmaster restart.
- additional log_destination "file". Disadvantage: Yet Another File besides the redirected stderr, but this seems a minor problem.


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