You get this error, pg_strcasecmp, when you have a different libpgport library around instead of the CVS version. You need to clean something out to fix it.

Isn't the "make check" supposed to used the new version of binaries and libraries?

I investigated a little bit following your hint:

Indeed, I already have a dev version installed in "/usr/local/pgsql". This libpq is used during tests by "psql" rather than the newly compiled one, despite the library path fix. I guess this is thanks to the "-Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/pgsql/lib" option used when linking "psql".

So it works if I do a "configure --prefix=<some-empty-directory>".

It means that you cannot expect a "make check" to work properly if you intend to install postgresql where a previous version is already installed. Let's call this a "feature";-)

Fabien Coelho - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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