Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Are people OK with requiring PGUSER, $USER, $LOGNAME, or the username to
> be supplied by the connection string in libpq on platforms that want
> threads and don't have getpwuid_r() (Solaris, FreeBSD, etc.)?

AFAICS that was not what Jan was suggesting at all.  I don't like it
either --- changing the user-visible behavior based on whether we think
the platform is thread-safe or not is horrid.

What I understood Jan to be saying is that we should be willing to build
the most thread-safe approximation we can when --enable-thread-safety
is requested.  Don't bomb out if you don't have getpwuid_r, just give
a warning and then use getpwuid.

                        regards, tom lane

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