Simon Riggs wrote:

On Mon, 2004-07-05 at 23:40, Mike Mascari wrote:
hmmm...not sure I know what you mean.

It is very-very-close-to-impossible to edit the transaction logs
manually, unless some form of special-format editor were written for the

Is it clear that the PITR features are completely different from
pg_dump? (Which would allow a manual edit and recover). The xlogs are
binary files that refer to all changes to all tables in a cluster
ordered by time, rather than by table.

What I meant by hand-restore was

1. A total backup occurrs on Monday morning

2. Transactions occur on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, with PITR archiving enabled

3. Intern deletes everyting from obscure_table on Thursday afternoon and wants to restore it as it was on Thursday morning

4. On some other machine, the total backup is restored into a new cluster, the transaction logs replayed to that point-in-time where intern deleted everything from obscure_table

5. The table is dumped manually and restored in the production database, because it is known that this table has no logicial implications for the consisetency of other tables.

That's what I meant by hand-restore.

Mike Mascari

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