A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, Gaetano Mendola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I was thinking of something much simpler where Jan would create an
>> ARC patch against 7.4.X and have it either in /contrib for 7.4.X or
>> on our ftp servers, or on a web site.  I could create a mechanism
>> so SELECT version() would display Jan's add-on.
> :-(
> I was asking to add the vacuum delayed patch to 7.4 months ago and
> the response was: why introduce instability to a stable release ?  I
> hope the global consensus is a no way to procede also for ARC.

If, as you suggest, ARC is too immature to go in, then I presume that
would also imply that "global consensus" should also be that:

 a) PITR is much too immature to put in;
 b) Win32 is way too immature to put in;
 c) NT is way too immature, as well;
 d) Tablespaces are way too immature to be included.

Which eliminates all of the big, interesting reasons to upgrade to

Or is ARC the only thing you regard as a misfeature?  Interesting that
it was put into 7.5 _early_ in the process, so that everyone that has
lately touched the betas would be getting bitten pretty heavily if it
was laden with bugs...
output = reverse("gro.mca" "@" "enworbbc")
"There  is something in  the lecture  course which  may not  have been
visible so far, which is reality ..."  -- Arthur Norman

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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