Ok - that is a much better way of doing it!



Tom Lane wrote:

"Zeugswetter Andreas SB SD" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

If you use a readable file you will also need a feature for restore
(or a tool) to create an appropriate pg_control file, or are you
intending to still require that pg_control be the first file backed

No, the entire point of this exercise is to get rid of that assumption. You do need *a* copy of pg_control, but the only reason you'd need to back it up first rather than later is so that its checkpoint pointer points to the last checkpoint before the dump starts. Which is the information we want to put in the archive-label file insted.

If a copy of pg_control were sufficient then I'd be all for using it as
the archive-label file, but it's *not* sufficient because you also need
the ending WAL offset.  So we need a different file layout in any case,
and we may as well take some pity on the poor DBA and make the file
easily human-readable.

                        regards, tom lane

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