Josh Berkus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Even if Savepoints don't make it, we'll still have:

Savepoints are in, as is exception-trapping in functions (at least
plpgsql, the other PLs are on their own :-().

Some other major improvements you didn't mention:

Cross-datatype comparisons are indexable (at least for common
combinations); this solves a huge performance gotcha

Dependency-aware pg_dump

Much more complete support for rowtype operations

> This is more features worth mentioning than we've ever had in a single release 
> before -- and if you consider several add-ons which have been 
> implemented/improved at the same time (Slony, PL/Java, etc.) it's even more 
> momentous.   If this isn't 8.0, then what will be?   

I tend to agree, and was about to bring up the point myself.

                        regards, tom lane

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