Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:

>> futhermore:
>> \dt lists tables
>> \ds lists sequences
>> \d tablename lists that table.
>> etc. etc.
>> But how can I get a listing of all used triggers on a certain table?
> \d <tablename>
> Chris

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your response, but this is what I get:

column, Type, and Modifiers
Indexes and foreign key contraints.
No triggers.

The triggers are responsible for checking FK-contraints in other tables, 
that use the table I want to list as refering key.

This is what the help says:

 \d [NAME]      describe table, index, sequence, or view
 \d{t|i|s|v|S} [PATTERN] (add "+" for more detail)
                list tables/indexes/sequences/views/system tables

No triggers....

So, I am still in the dark.

Erwin Moller

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