At 12:15 PM 12/08/2004, Tom Lane wrote:
You might need to bite the bullet and implement a flex

I'd like to avoid this if I can; AFAICT, for statement detection on pg_restore, I can require white space before the $tag. Since I also skip over all quoted text, the bodies of functions are ignored. The only issues will be attribute names with ' $' in them, but they will be quoted as well (so ignored).

So to recognize a tag, I look for a '$' after white space, and assume it's a tag start. If I subsequently read an invalid tag char, I just go back into scan mode on that character and assume the '$...' was some other valid sql element.

From other threads, it sounds like removing the statement detection code entirely is not an option.

Philip Warner | __---_____
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---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not match

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