Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I am still seeing random regression test failures on my SMP BSD/OS
> machine.  It basically happens when doing 'gmake check'.

> I have tried running repeated tests and can't get it to reproduce, but
> when checking patches it has happened perhaps once a week for the past
> six weeks.  It happens once and then doesn't happen again.

> I will keep investigating.  I reported this perhaps three weeks ago.

Do these failures look anything like this?

--- 78,86 ----
                DROP TABLE foo;
                CREATE TABLE bar (a int);
! WARNING:  AbortSubTransaction while in ABORT state
! ERROR:  relation 555088 deleted while still in use
! server closed the connection unexpectedly
!       This probably means the server terminated abnormally
!       before or while processing the request.
! connection to server was lost

I got this once this morning and have been unable to reproduce it.
The OID referenced in the message seemed to correspond to the relation
"bar", created just above the point of error.

                        regards, tom lane

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