We have discovered an interesting locking scenario with Slony-I that
is pointing to a use for the ability to exclude certain schemas from

The situation is that when a "full" pg_dump kicks off, a Slony-I
"create sync" event, which expects to "LOCK slony_schema.sl_event;",
is blocked from getting the exclusive lock that it desires.
Everything else then falls behind that, as they are waiting for the
lock to get dropped off.

The solution is easy enough, in that (at present) the interesting data
is in a single database schema.  

 pg_dump --schema=ourdata
does the trick.

What would be nice would be the ability to consciously _exclude_
schemas, where the nice way would be --exclude-schema=_slony_schema

If someone has some "round tuits," I'll have to catch up on sleep...
(format nil "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" "cbbrowne" "ntlug.org")
Save your burned out bulbs for me, I'm building my own dark room.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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