Greg Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> * synchonize supported encodings and docs

> Is this Abhijit's patch to add PQprepare() and PQsendPrepare()? 

No ... does it look like it?

> I'm not sure whether the patch he sent is adequate, I looked at it
> myself and was a bit skeptical. But he said my concerns were
> misplaced.

[ looks... ] The patch is definitely broken as-is, because it changes
the application-visible behavior of existing functions --- in particular
PQsendQueryParams() followed by PQgetResult() will now return a bogus
additional PGresult.  I think the cleanest solution is probably to add a
state flag indicating whether ParseComplete should generate a PGresult
or not.

                        regards, tom lane

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