On Mon, 25 Oct 2004, Josh Berkus wrote:

> Hmmm ... well, does the spec specifically prohibit DST, or just leave it
> out?

It doesn't discuss it. According to the spec a timestamp with time zone is 
a UTC value + a HH:MM offset from GMT. And intervals in the spec is either 
a year-month value or a day-time value. One can only compare year-month 
values with each other and day-time values with each other. So they avoid 
the problem of the how many days is a month by not allowing it.

The spec is not a full solution, it's also not a useless solution. I'm
happy as long as the spec is a subset of what pg implements. If not then I
would like to be able to have both but with different names or something
similar (but I think that should not be needed).

/Dennis Björklund

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