Dennis Bjorklund wrote:
Is there something wrong that makes it impossible to build the doc as a pdf?

I started a build 4 hours ago, and it has still not finished (stuck at
100% CPU on my old 800Mhz 1G RAM machine).

I know that openjade is very slow so for the first 3 hours I didn't worry.
Now I'm starting to think that it will never finish.

I've never tried building PDF from PostgreSQL DocBook source. However, in other DocBook documents, I've found that if there is an embedded image that is too large to fit on a single page, various PDF renderers will paginate the image onto the next page, discover it is too large to fit on the next page, generate a page break, and the process continues ad infinitum.

Maybe a recent large image was added to the docs?


Mike Mascari

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TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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