Neil Conway wrote:
[CC list trimmed]

On Fri, 2004-11-05 at 06:41, Tom Lane wrote:

(I'm rather interested to know whether any other SCMs have a better
solution to this problem, and if so what it is.  It's not obvious how
to do better.)

Sure -- just about every "next generation" OSS version control tool gets
this right, or at least does a lot better than CVS -- i.e. svn,
monotone, arch, darchs, and possibly others I haven't heard of.

Gavin and I have been using Monotone for a few weeks now to manage some
development we're doing. I've been really impressed with it --
conceptually, it just "makes sense". Unfortunately the implementation is
currently too immature to consider moving the main development tree
onto, at least for the moment.

In SVN there is no concept of Branch, Label and so on, all these operations are performed by "copy" if you want LABEL your source is enough create a directory and copy all the source in that directory. In order to emulate the way to work of CVS is enough follow these guidelines:

We are migrating from Clearcase to SVN and the only think we are going
to miss is the UCM process.

Regards Gaetano Mendola

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
     joining column's datatypes do not match

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