Reini Urban schrieb:
Tom Lane schrieb:

Dunno about the optarg business; it sounds like a DLLIMPORT is needed
someplace, but maybe that is a bug in the Cygwin headers rather than
our bug?

No, that's no bug, just diagnostic messages with the new linker.

>gcc -O2 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wpointer-arith -Wendif-labels >-fno-strict-aliasing -g pg_dump.o common.o pg_dump_sort.o >pg_backup_archiver.o pg_backup_db.o pg_backup_custom.o >pg_backup_files.o pg_backup_null.o pg_backup_tar.o dumputils.o >../../../src/backend/parser/keywords.o -L../../../src/interfaces/libpq >-lpq -L../../../src/port -L/usr/local/lib -lpgport -lcrypt -o >pg_dump.exe
>Info: resolving _optarg by linking to __imp__optarg (auto-import)
>Info: resolving _optind by linking to __imp__optind (auto-import)
>collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>make[3]: *** [pg_dump] Error 1

I'll check how to get rid of that if you want to get rid of it without grep -v :)
But I don't think that is is easily possible to turn off these purely diagnostic messages, without cluttering the source with those __DLL_IMPORT declarations.
And I found no easy ld cmdline override solution. But I'll backcheck.

ok, i'm sure now. there's no way to ignore those diagnostics on the ld side.

Reini Urban

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