Tom Lane wrote:

Andrew Dunstan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

We have the following warning on Windows:
pgarch.c:349: warning: implicit declaration of function `sleep'

To fix it we could include the right header (which appears to be <stdlib.h> in the Windows/Mingw case), or we could replace the call by a call to pg_usleep().

<stdlib.h> is included automatically by c.h, so that surely won't fix it.

Now I look closer I see that it declares _sleep() rather than sleep().

I have some recollection that we invented pg_usleep in part because we
wanted to not use sleep() at all in the backend, but I don't recall why
(and the reasoning might not apply to the archiver process, anyway).

I thought we invented pg_usleep so we could remove the calls to select(0,NULL,NULL,NULL,timeout) which don't work on Windows.



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