
your project looks very attractive. In principle, suffix array should be
implemented using GiST framework. String Btree should be very useful
for your problem. My student is working on string btree library, but we
have no plan to intergrate it into postgresql.


On Fri, 19 Nov 2004, Troels Arvin wrote:


I'm working on a thesis project where I explore the addition of a
specialized, bioinformatics-related data type to a RDBMS. My choice of
RDBMS is PostgreSQL, of course, and I've started by adding a "dnaseq" (DNA
sequence) data type, using PostgreSQL's APIs for type additions.

The idea is to try to make it practical and even "attractive" to work with
DNA sequences in an RDBMS. My starting goal is to make it viable to work
with sequences in the 50-500 million base range. Some may think that
RDBMSes and long chunks of data don't match well. My opinion is that the
increasing power of computers and RDBMS software should at some point make
it possible to work with DNA sequences in a "normal" data management
setting like a RDBMS, instead of solely using stand-alone tools and
stand-alone data files. Anyways, it's an open question if my hypothesis is

The basic parts of the type are pretty much done. Those interested may
have a look at http://troels.arvin.dk/svn-snap/postgresql-dnaseq/ (the
code organization needs some clean-up). The basic type implementation
should be improved by adding more string functions and by implementing a
set of specialized selectivity functions. Part of my current code concerns
packing DNA characters: As the alphabet of DNA strings is very small (four
characters), it seems like a straigt-forward optimization to store each
character in two bits. A warning: This is my first C project, so please
don't laugh too much (publicly) if you find strange constructs in my code...

Although B-trees and hash indexes may be used with my dnaseq type, they
aren't very interesting for long DNA sequences. I would like to add
support for adding a suffix array or suffix tree based index to dnaseq
columns where the user expects long sequences.

My review of the latest academic work on indexing of long sequences
indicates that suffix arrays are probably the way to go: Recent advances
in suffix array algorithms make them more attractive than suffix trees
(because the take up less space). And since the DNA data I'm currently
trying to support aren't separated in words, a string B-tree doesn't seem
to be relevant.

My first and most immediate goal is to support efficient answering of a
question like "which rows contain the sequence TTGACCACTTG in column foo?".

I have to immediate problems:
1. The algoriths I've found don't indicate a good way to
  update index arrays. So I'm thinking of implementing
  a sort of index-"cluster" which has one sub-index per
  indexed value. That way, I don't have to worry about
  updating a large index covering all the indexes values
  in the column. Is it conceivable to create such an
  index "cluster"?
2. Does someone know of interesting documentation (perhaps
  in the form of interesting code comments) which I should
  read, as a basis for creating a non-standard index type
  in PostgreSQL?

Regards, Oleg _____________________________________________________________ Oleg Bartunov, sci.researcher, hostmaster of AstroNet, Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University (Russia) Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.sai.msu.su/~megera/ phone: +007(095)939-16-83, +007(095)939-23-83

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