On Wed, 2004-12-01 at 11:08 -0300, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> When would the experimentation end, and 8.0 be finally released?

As I said, this is work for 8.1; I don't think it ought to affect the
release schedule of 8.0 (perhaps in some marginal way because Tom might
spend some time discussing issues with me, but I'll leave it up to Tom
to decide how best to spend his time).

> There's real development waiting only for release to happen ...

There is real development being done as we speak, that will be landed to
8.1 when it branches :)

I think you've raised two distinct issues:

(1) Release scheduling: time-based releases vs. feature-based releases,
how long the beta period is, and so on.

(2) Development methodology: how do we make it easy for people to engage
in new development while the mainline is being stabilized for a release?

> If hard development was done in branches and only merged when stable,
> we could do this.

I think this might be worth considering as an improvement to #2. What
I've been experimenting with locally is doing development in a private
VC system, and merging in mainline CVS changes every week or so. That
allows me to keep long-running projects in their own private branchs and
to take advantage of the VC system's merge support, without needing to
change the work environment used by other developers.


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