On Mon, 6 Dec 2004, Andrew Dunstan wrote:

> I disagree. The crucial difference is that DBD::Pg is a client side
> library and plperl is not.
> I would like all perl programmers to be able to use the same (or
> similar) idioms on both the client side and the server side. (Just as
> one can use JDBC idioms in PL/Java, iirc). So I want a DBI handle to be
> available in core plperl if possible.
Just like perl programmers need to download DBD::Pg to deal with Pg on 
client side, I don't see what's so wrong with them having to download 
DBD::PgSPI to deal with it on server side.

Besides the fact is that they have to download DBI to get *anywhere* in 
the first place ;0


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