I have seen several cases where either pg_regress appears not to exit with the expected non-zero exit status or "make check" does not apparently exit with the expected non-zero status.

In particular, I've seen it on cygwin, windows, and have at least a suspicion of it happening on FreeBSD.

The apparently offending code is this:

message "initializing database system"
[ "$debug" = yes ] && initdb_options='--debug'
"$bindir/initdb" -D "$PGDATA" -L "$datadir" --noclean $initdb_options >"$LOGDIR/initdb.log" 2>&1

   if [ $? -ne 0 ]
       echo "$me: initdb failed"
       echo "Examine $LOGDIR/initdb.log for the reason."
       (exit 2); exit

and it's called from this makefile target:

check: all
-rm -rf ./testtablespace
mkdir ./testtablespace
$(SHELL) ./pg_regress --temp-install --top-builddir=$(top_builddir) --schedule=$(srcdir)/parallel_schedule --multibyte=$(MULTIBYTE) $(MAXCONNOPT)

The practical consequence of this is that instead of failing at this stage, the buildfarm script continues on until it somewhat inexplicably fails at the initdb stage.

Now, perhaps I'm calling it wrong, but I don't think so. The relevant perl code is this:

   my @makeout = `cd $pgsql/src/test/regress && $make check 2>&1`;
   my $status = $? >>8;

which idiom seems to work as expected everywhere else quite happily. And in fact I've seen "make check" fail as expected on other failure paths (such as not matching the expected result.)

Anyone have any penetrating thoughts?



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