Kurt Roeckx wrote:

pgbuildfarm=# select name, operating_system, stage, count from buildsystems b, (select sysname, stage, count(*) as count from build_status where log ~ 'tablespace "testspace" is not empty' group by sysname, stage) as s where s.sysname=b.name;

Note that the expected log has that as error message after a "drop tablespace testspace;", while it should works with a "drop tablespace testspace cascade;".

How many of those errors are because of some other error?  Like
dog for intance ran out of diskspace recently and had those in
the logs.  I know panda also once ran out of diskspace, but the
logs for that aren't available on the site anymore.

When was the last time this error actually happened? Because
looking at emu (which seem to have it the most) shows that it's
last 30 builds are all succesful.

You're right - my query was not sufficiently specific. There have in fact been 4 failures:

pgbuildfarm=# select sysname, snapshot, stage, branch from build_status where log ~ 'tablespace "testspace" is not empty.*tablespace "testspace" is not empty' and not log ~ 'No space left';
sysname | snapshot | stage | branch
hare | 2004-12-09 05:15:05 | Check | HEAD
otter | 2004-12-11 15:50:09 | Check | HEAD
otter | 2004-12-15 15:50:10 | Check | HEAD
gibbon | 2004-12-28 23:55:05 | InstallCheck | HEAD

gibbon is a Cygwin box, otter and hare are both Debian 3.1 boxes, hare on Alpha and otter on MIPS.

PS: It might be nice to have an option to keep the last X days of all logs around.

You mean on the client? I'd rather not - the logs kept there are mostly intended as debugging devices. The buildfarm db keeps the log from the stage where an error occurred indefinitely. I intend to provide a way of going back through that history - at the moment you can easily see the last 30.



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