I'm curious, the original run you posted with 3825 NOTPM is still 17% faster than the latest pg_autovacuum run which shows 3280 NOTPM. Is this on the same hardware? Also, did the original non-pg_autovacuum run any manual vacuum commands? Also, does the non-pg_autovacuum run start slowing down after a while? The graphs look like there is a slight decline in performance as time goes on, what happens if you double the length of the test?

Thanks for doing the testing!


Mark Wong wrote:

I apologize for the significant delay, here's a link to results to a
test with 8.0rc3:

These are the same parameters with as run 215, listed below with the
but with --enable-debug --enable-cassert.  I also ran pg_autovacuum
with -d4, where the output can be seen here:

I, uh, wasn't able to reproduce the previous errors after repairing my
filesystems after a power outage.  So I figure that might be good news.
The performance is up from run 215 with the errors, so I'll continue
with trying to tune some of the pg_autovacuum values.


On Tue, Dec 21, 2004 at 09:41:31AM -0800, Mark Wong wrote:

After all this time I finally got around to vacuuming the database
with dbt2 with pg_autovacuum. :)

Doesn't look so good though, probably because I'm not using optimal
settings with pg_autovacuum.  So far I have only tried the default
settings (running without any arguments, except -D).

The only thing that's peculiar is a number of unexpected rollbacks
across all of the transactions.  I suspect it was something to do with
these messages coming from pg_autovacuum:

[2004-12-20 15:48:18 PST] ERROR:   Can not refresh statistics information from 
the database dbt2.
[2004-12-20 15:48:18 PST]          The error is [ERROR:  failed to re-find parent key in 

This is with 8.0rc1.  I can get rc2 installed since it just came out.
So let me know what I can try and what not.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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