On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 at 18:20, Reinhard Max wrote:

> I am still not sure whether the kerberos library, glibc, or 
> PostgreSQL is to blame, or if it's a combination of bugs in these 
> components that triggers the segfault.

The problem is, that the heimdal implementation of kerberos5 used on 
sles8 needs an extra include statement for com_err.h in 
src/interfaces/libpq/fe-auth.c to get the prototype for 
error_message(), while on newer SUSE-releases using the MIT Kerberos5 
implementation this prototype is provided by krb5.h itself.

So I suspect this bug might hit everyone using heimdal, but it only 
gets triggered when one of the calls to kerberos in 
src/interfaces/libpq/fe-auth.c returns with an error.

I am still not sure why the crash only happened on x86_64.


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