> >> I'm running 'psql.exe -- version' and I'm getting this dialog:
> >>
> >> psql.exe - Entry Point Not Found: The procedure entry point 
> >> SHGetSpecialFolderPathA could not be located in the dynamic link 
> >> library SHELL32.DLL.
> >
> > Do you have the IE4 Desktop Update installed?
> I think so. System Properties for my computer shows
> NT 4.00.1381
> IE 5 5.50.4308.2900
> If this is not what you are asking, let me know where to look.

Hmm. That would seem to have it. Can you check the version on your
The MSDN docs for the version in question
c/platform/shell/reference/functions/shgetspecialfolderpath.asp) claims
it needs either Win2k or The IE 4.0 Desktop Update. Which resolves to
shell32.dll version 4.71 or later.

> >> I'm also curious as to why the version of psql I compile 
> is about 7K 
> >> bytes smaller than what the installer gives me.
> >
> > SSL suport possibly? Use pg_config from the installer to find the 
> > exact commandline used for that. If that's not it, then different 
> > version of mingw gcc probably.
> >
> That's it -- thanks.
> If I'm posting to the wrong list for this, please let me know.

hackers-win32 is prboably slightly more on-topic.


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