On Sat, 22 Jan 2005 17:05:22 -0500, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > src/port/snprintf.c is not not a particularly pretty. And
> > after my rework it got even uglier. I have looked at
> > FreeBDS's one and it is not *that* complicated.
> If you can get it to work then it'd be a better bet than writing (and
> having to maintain) our own.

Very well, I am starting to work on it.
I will put everything necessary in on file.
So far it is 1500-odd lines and will probably
grow a little bit. Plus we would probably need to
include Double-to-ASCII package too:
A daunting task indeed. I will do it but I am afraid
it would not be too portable. 

I was wandering if reimplementing print formatting
is the right thing to do.  The problem I have is 
in fmtnum() and probably in  fmtfloat() functions
which are very platform-dependent.

The code to shuffle xxprinf() arguments based on 
%n$ formatting stirngs is ready why don't shuffle
formatting placeholders too and call OS's vsnprintf()
with modified formatting formatting strings and

Or, a similar solution, for every parameter
extract formatting placeholder and value,
call snprintf() and the combine the resulting string?

The first solution requires doing nasty manipulations 
with va_list, the second will be slower because of 
multiple calls to snprintf().

Which one is better?

Best regards,
Nicolai Tufar

>                         regards, tom lane

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