This thread somehow reminds me how the company I'm working for
tries to measure my profitability: lines of code edited,
number of bugs fixed in what time, and other odd things :-)

Sorry if this is the wrong subject ...

Greg Sabino Mullane schrieb:
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Josh Berkus originally wrote:

Hey, for my information (people ask me this a lot) can one of you do a count
of patch submitters for 8.0?  For 7.4, it was around 180.

Perhaps this is the gist of the problem: the 180 count was not "patch
submitters" but "people who helped develop 7.4" whether or not they actually
submitted a bona fide patch. If it was just patches, the number would
probably be about 50 or so, I would estimate. It's certainly a fuzzy line,
but I'd argue that somebody who points out a memory leak that is subsequently
patched by Tom should get credit as a "developer", even if no actual patch
was submitted.
I'll give it a go for 8.0 and see what number I come up with.
- --
Greg Sabino Mullane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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