Tom Lane wrote:
"Jim C. Nasby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

The advantage of using a counter instead of a simple active
bit is that buffers that are (or have been) used heavily will be able to
go through several sweeps of the clock before being freed. Infrequently
used buffers (such as those from a vacuum or seq.  scan), would get
marked as inactive the first time they were hit by the clock hand.

What I'm envisioning is that pinning (actually unpinning) a buffer
increments the counter (up to some limit), and the clock sweep
decrements it (down to zero), and only buffers with count zero are taken
by the sweep for recycling.

Would there be any value in incrementing by 2 for index accesses and 1 for seq-scans/vacuums? Actually, it should probably be a ratio based on random_page_cost shouldn't it?

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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