On Feb 20, 2005, at 11:02 AM, Stephan Szabo wrote:

My last company's experience with Oracle support still leaves me
questioning that claim. They basically got "don't do that then or move to
the newest major revision" when they had a construct which caused the
server to stop responding.

For the record, that is the kind of support I've got from Informix in the past.
Even for issues where the db would reliably return invalid results.

What is great is I have one informix db that I cannot take a backup of without causing several DAYS of downtime. Their solution: Do an in-place upgrade and hope it works. Yes, they actually said "And hopefully it will work. You'll need to take a backup to be safe" "But I can't take a backup. That is the point of this call" "Oh, well... umm.. it SHOULD work!"

you get the idea.

as for the xid wraparound... issuing a NOTICE / ERROR in a new version will be good, but backpatching won't be needed. As others have said, the people who really need this are not smart enough to upgrade / watch for patches / RTFM


---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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