
I work on memory leaks during creation index on time/timestamp column using GiST and found follow problem (?):

For timestamp storage and defines are defined as (from utils/timestamp.h):

typedef int64 Timestamp;
#define TimestampGetDatum(X) Int64GetDatum(X)
#define DatumGetTimestamp(X)  ((Timestamp) DatumGetInt64(X))


typedef double Timestamp;
#define TimestampGetDatum(X) Float8GetDatum(X)
#define DatumGetTimestamp(X)  ((Timestamp) DatumGetFloat8(X))


It looks consistently, but for time (from utils/date.h):

typedef int64 TimeADT;

typedef float8 TimeADT;

#define TimeADTGetDatum(X)        Float8GetDatum(X)
#define DatumGetTimeADT(X)        ((TimeADT) DatumGetFloat8(X))

So, in case HAVE_INT64_TIMESTAMP int64 may use as float8.  Is it correct?

It seems to me, that my last changes in btree_gist produce a error for btree_time on some architectures for this reason, but the same changes for timestamp doesn't produce ones.

-- Teodor Sigaev E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: http://www.sigaev.ru/

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