Marc G. Fournier wrote:

On Sun, 20 Mar 2005, Thomas Hallgren wrote:

Marc G. Fournier wrote:

Once I've copied both over, I'll get Chris to mark the gborg project as being 'disabled' so that nobody will see it over there anymore ...

Ok, I submitted a request for the project under pgfoundry. Same name (oledb).

Actually, it would be very nice if the project was still visible at gborg with a single page explaining that the project has moved. People may get the wrong idea if it just disappears.

Seconded. The address was in the files in the release.

I'm still in status quo with PL/Java. I'm eager to help out to get the move done, but I still don't know what more I can do. My requirements are the same as Shachar's although a dump of the current bug database would be helpful.

mailing lists and cvs are easy, as they are the same format under either ... its the 'database conversion' stuff that is the reason for the long hold up for the rest ...

Yes, well. I never liked much the way gborg handled bugs. In fact, it's the fact that people started using the bug system under gborg that causes me to miss pgfoundry so much. Comments such as the one on also don't help.

The three bugs or so that actually need tracking I can transfer myself. I don't think it justifies writing automatic conversion. It does not even seem as if gborg is enjoying a lot of active projects anyways. Of the three projects that had anything new to say in over a month, two have just stated that they don't care about the rest of the info anyways.

To summarize, just give me read only access to the old project's data and I'm set.


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting ltd.
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