On Thursday 31 March 2005 12:06 pm, Tom Lane wrote:
> I wrote:
> > The light just went on ... system catalog updates don't generate
> > statistics reports.  Hence, autovacuum doesn't know any work is
> > needed.
> The above claim is too strong --- they do normally generate stats
> updates.  However, in a simple test I observed that
> pg_stat_all_tables.n_tup_del did not seem to increment for the
> deletes that occur when a temp table is dropped during backend
> exit.  (Most likely we aren't flushing out the final stats
> messages...)
> Steve, is your app in the habit of creating lots of temp tables
> that are not dropped explicitly?  That would explain why you are
> getting bit more than other people.

Yes, various processes create in total well over 100 temporary tables 
every hour. None of them are explicitly dropped.


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