This has been discussed several times before ... pgFoundry offers us nothing that we don't already have,

Actually it does:

1. Public presentation of the project development
2. Public presentation of the project bugs
3. Public presentation of the project tracker and docs

Perception is everything :)

The new people, the people who are coming to PostgreSQL they are looking for the Web, they want an interface that they can peruse, easily search, see priority etc...

That is not mailing lists :)

and takes away several things ...

Curious to know what those are?

With PostgreSQL *not* US based, we are not subject to the whim's of the US government, nor its export restrictions, nor its lawyers ...

I am not even going to touch this one.


Joshua D. Drake

-- Your PostgreSQL solutions company - Command Prompt, Inc. 1.800.492.2240 PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Programming, 24x7 support Managed Services, Shared and Dedication Hosting Co-Authors: plPHP, plPerlNG -

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