On 2005-05-08, "Jim C. Nasby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I suggest taking a gander at the '_compat' files at
> http://lnk.nu/cvs.pgfoundry.org/251/. Basically, features that are new
> in 8.0 (ie: tablespaces) have an abstraction layer. The code under that
> layer is version specific, but the code above it is generic. So
> _compat74.sql creates a bogus pg_tablespace (though now that I'm
> thinking about it, we should probably use a different name for that,
> such as _pg_tablespace).

Remember that this is still an alpha version. In the longer term I think
we should look at splitting it into two schemas, one with the views
themselves and another with the support functions and other implementation
details. (There are other ways to handle pg_tablespace too, that just
happened to be the convenient one for proof-of-concept testing.)

Andrew, Supernews
http://www.supernews.com - individual and corporate NNTP services

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