On Mon, 2005-05-23 at 22:43 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Based on the comments so far in this thread, I'll go ahead and commit
> the patch, with some comments attached of course --- in particular a big
> head comment to run flex with -b and see that lex.backup says something
> to this effect.

flex counts the number of times it needs to back up in a variable called
num_backing_up. It tests this to see whether to generate code
differently. ISTM you could have a -x switch to make it generate an
error if num_backing_up > 0.

Would we use the -x switch if we had it? If so I'll submit a patch here
first, then on to GNU. It'll take a while before it comes back round to
us though.

Best Regards, Simon Riggs

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