On K, 2005-06-01 at 18:05 -0400, Bruce Momjian wrote:

> What we could do is to do no-WAL automatically for empty tables (like
> when a database is first loaded),

You forget that some databases use WAL for PITR / replication and doing
it automatically there would surely mess up their replica.

How is index creation handeled if it is not logged in WAL ? 
 - is it not automatically WAL'ed ? 
 - Must one recreate indexes after PITR or failover ?

>  and use the flag for cases where the
> tables is not zero pages.  The fact is that database loads are a prefect
> case for this optimization and old dumps are not going to have that flag
> anyway, and automatic is better if we can do it.

Hannu Krosing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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