"Marc G. Fournier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Wed, 8 Jun 2005, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
>> That's why you COPY the files in the repo, cvs rm the old locations
>> (so they still exist on older tags/branches), and do some surgery on
>> the new locations to remove the old tags (though you can't remove
>> branches last I checked, without more serious magic; you could go in
>> and cvs rm on the branches I guess, which is better than nothing,
>> though more work) so they don't start showing up on old release co's.

> Actually, simplier yet would be to just 'cvs add' everything in th enew 
> place, and cvs remove it on HEAD in the old ... the 'cvs add' log entry 
> should state something like 'moved from ...'

Yeah ... at that point you've more or less erased the history from the
new files anyway, no?  Might as well just cut it over.

                        regards, tom lane

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