Magnus Hagander wrote:
fer enhanced functionality in the client.

To overcome this, a alternative database created by initdb would be very useful. This would be roughly the equivalent of SQL Server's 'msdb'
database and would allow:

- A default non-template database for apps to connect to initially
- A standard place for apps like pgAgent to store their cluster-specific configuration & data
- A standard place for apps like pgAdmin to store utility objects

What are peoples thoughts on this?

I think this is a very good idea. I've come up against this need once or
twice before.. And the fact that stuff in template1 gets propagated out
to all newly created databases can be a major pain when this happens.

A shared database for this stuff would be great - then each tool could
just create a schema for it's own stuff.

How does pgAdmin deal with this today?

Not at all. pgAdmin II did store some information in the current db, pgAdmin III remembers everything locally. Extended feature functions are taken from the "initial DB", by default template1 (most of them need to be in the db under investigation anyway).

I'd be glad to see the utility database, this would unleash several ideas (e.g. a profiling agent I have in mind).


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