> > But then dbas will block off access to that db, or drop it 
> and we're 
> > back to square one...
> Don't see why they would.  Let's review what we have here:
> Database              Function(s)
> template0             guaranteed-virgin template for CREATE DATABASE
> template1             installation-default template for 
>                       default database to connect to for clients
> (I don't think I'm missing anything --- can anyone think of a 
> purpose I have forgotten?)
> If we split template1's functions as
> template1             installation-default template for 
> default                       default database to connect to 
> for clients
> then it becomes fairly reasonable for DBAs to block access to 
> template1 after they've installed any installation-default 
> stuff they want in it.
> There isn't any particular reason to block access to 
> "default", unless you don't want to have a shared database at 
> all --- in which case you'd probably just drop it.

It wouldn't just be "default to connect to", it would also be "location
for tools to store cluster-wide information". Which makes pg_system a
slightly more reasonable name in that context, but i certainly have no
problem with "default" as a name.

> One argument against this is that it'd mean another copy of 
> the system catalogs in a standard installation.  That's been 
> running three to five megabytes over the last few releases.  
> Disk space is pretty cheap these days, but we do get 
> occasional complaints from people who wish the footprint was smaller.

As long as you can drop it without hosing your system completely, that
can always be a solution for the ppl who are that space constrained.


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