Tom Lane wrote:
I'm not sure that you want to think of this as a direct copy of "what
rtree would do".  The set of interesting operators isn't really the same
for all these types ... which was hard or impossible to support in rtree
but is trivial in GIST.  As an example, contains/contained in are pretty
meaningless for two points; but it would be very useful to directly
support queries like "point is contained in box?", "point is contained
in circle?" on a point column.  There are some cross-type operators like
these that ought to be added to the existing opclasses as well.  So I
think the first part of the job is to figure out exactly what operators
to support for each datatype.

I know about the problems. I have implemented similar index for spherical
objects using GIST ( ).
It is more complicated. There, I had to implement the operators plus GIST 
There are a lot of cross-type operators as well.
So, I'm looking forward to solve the outstanding problems. Of course,
I will implement support of queries like "point is contained in box?".

BTW: I did a test/exercise some hours ago. The query "point is contained in 
is already using the GIST index in my CVS-Box. Currently, I don't see any 

My first question was "Is anybody working on it?". Because nobody does,
I would make a concept now in detail and start to implement it. Because it is 
8.2, I have a little bit time.

  Janko Richter

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