After months of being unable to keep up with what's going on here, I'm trying to educate myself on some of the latest developments. I was playing with roles a bit, and I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, or if I found a hole:

works fine:
regression=# create role testrole2 with user testuser;

doesn't work:
regression=# alter role testrole with user testuser;
ERROR:  option "rolemembers" not recognized

works fine:
regression=# alter group testrole add user testuser;

doesn't work (no surprise, is a syntax error):
regression=# alter role testrole add user testuser;
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "add" at character 21
LINE 1: alter role testrole add user testuser;

It seems I can create a role with a user, and I can use ALTER GROUP syntax to add a user to a role, but I can't figure out how to add a user to a role using ALTER ROLE.

Similarly, these might be just plain abuse of the new syntax, but appear to be allowed by gram.y:

regression=# alter user testuser in role testrole;
ERROR:  option "addroleto" not recognized
regression=# alter user testuser in group testrole;
ERROR:  option "addroleto" not recognized



---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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