Jim C. Nasby wrote:
> The email below about FreeBSD's involvement in Google's Summer of Code
> got me thinking; would there be value in trying to attract college
> students to working on either PostgreSQL development, or using
> PostgreSQL in projects? Even though we missed getting in on the summer
> of code this year, ISTM that we could try targeting colleges,
> professors, and students directly. When it comes to development, I'm
> sure there's any number of TODO items that would make great coursework,
> for all different levels of students. As for using PostgreSQL, perhaps
> we could get database classes together with projects that could use
> help.
> Thoughts?

I am planning to take a database course at a major university this fall.
If you have any materials that might help I'd be happy to see if the
professor is interested. I don't know what the course uses currently,
but I expect there will be opportunities to mention PostgreSQL.

Also, there's a PostgreSQL project that I'm planning on working on (not
even much work left, really), so I'll see if the professor shows any
interest in my project.

        Jeff Davis

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