
> I'm starting to get results with dbt2 on a 4-way opteron system and
> wanted to share what I've got so far since people have told me in the
> past that this architecture is more interesting than the itanium2 that
> I've been using.
> This 4-way has 8GB of memory and four Adaptec 2200s controllers attached
> to 80 spindles (eight 10-disk arrays).  For those familiar with the
> schema, here is a visual of the disk layout:
> Results for a 600 warehouse run are there:
> The tuning is a still a bit off, but feel free to let me know if there
> are any issues anyway.

This e-mail came in while I was away.   I, of course, am very interested in 
running tests on this machine.   Which version of PostgreSQL is this?  What 
configuration are you doing?  I would expect that we could get at least 7000 
on this platform; let me try to tweak it.

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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