I had posted this earlier, but had insufficient info (or access) to provide much detail ... now, I've got the access, and this really isn't making much sense ...

Have databse that \ds shows several sequences, but one in partiicular, I can't seem to 'dump' with pg_dump:

 public | xa_url_id_seq                   | sequence | pareto_su

there is another sequence, of similiar name, in the database that I'm showing here since it will show up in the grep of the dump:

 public | tmp_xa_url_id_seq               | sequence | pareto_su

Now, I'm doing a simple:

pg_dump -U pareto_su --schema-only pareto > schema.out


$ grep -i xa_url_id_seq schema.out
    url_id bigint DEFAULT nextval('tmp_xa_url_id_seq'::text) NOT NULL,
-- Name: tmp_xa_url_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: pareto_su
CREATE SEQUENCE tmp_xa_url_id_seq
ALTER TABLE public.tmp_xa_url_id_seq OWNER TO pareto_su;
-- Name: tmp_xa_url_id_seq; Type: ACL; Schema: public; Owner: pareto_su
REVOKE ALL ON TABLE tmp_xa_url_id_seq FROM pareto_su;
GRANT ALL ON TABLE tmp_xa_url_id_seq TO pareto_su;
GRANT SELECT,UPDATE ON TABLE tmp_xa_url_id_seq TO GROUP pareto_app;

As you will see above, there is a CREATE SEQUENCE for the tmp_xa_url_id_seq SEQUENCE ... but none for the xa_url_id_seq one ...

I'm not seeing any errors generated when I do the pg_dump itself, and the database itself is owned by the user I'm doing the dump as, as are all the SEQUENCES/TABLES ...

I've even checked \dp, to make sure there was no permissions issues, and unless I' mmissing something, they look correct:

 public | xa_url_id_seq                   | sequence | 
{pareto_su=arwdRxt/pareto_su,"group pareto_app=rw/pareto_su"}

So, unless I'm overlooking something, the system sees the SEQUENCE, but pg_dump doesn't see it ... is there something else I should be looking at / verifying as to why it isn't dump?

Oh, and just in case, I've checked that the pg_dump version is correct as well:

$ pg_dump --version
pg_dump (PostgreSQL) 8.0.3

uname of the system shows:

Linux pareto 2.6.10-5-amd64-generic #1 Tue Apr 5 12:21:57 UTC 2005 x86_64 

So, we're on a 64bit system ... but can't see how that would make a different for a dump ...

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