Tom Lane wrote:
After looking at this a little, it doesn't seem like it has much to do
with the ordinary 2-D notion of containment.  In most of the core
geometric types, the "histogram" ordering is based on area, and so
testing the histogram samples against the query doesn't seem like it's
able to give very meaningful containment results --- the items shown
in the histogram could have any locations whatever.

The approach might be sensible for ltree's isparent operator --- I don't
have a very good feeling for the behavior of that operator, but it looks
like it has at least some relationship to the ordering induced by the
ltree < operator.

Actually, this was one of my doubts. The custom function seem to work well with ltree, but this also could be dependant from the way my dataset is organized.

So my thought is that (assuming Oleg and Teodor agree this is sensible
for ltree) we should put the selectivity function into contrib/ltree,
not directly into the core.  It might be best to call it something like
"parentsel", too, to avoid giving the impression that it has something
to do with 2-D containment.

Also, you should think about using the most-common-values list as well
as the histogram.  I would guess that many ltree applications would have
enough duplicate entries that the MCV list represents a significant
fraction of the total population.  Keep in mind when thinking about this
that the histogram describes the population of data *exclusive of the
MCV entries*.

I also agree that "parentsel" would better fit its purpose.

My patch was originally using MCV without good results, until I realized that MCV was empty because the column contains unique values :)
I'll look into adding a MCV check to it.

Moving it in contrib/ltree would be more difficult to me because it depends on other functions declared in selfuncs.c (get_restriction_variable, etc).

Thank you for your feedback

Best regards
Matteo Beccati

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