On Fri, 19 Aug 2005, Tom Lane wrote:

> Stephan Szabo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Is the correct answer to continue marking and running the triggers until
> > there are no immediate triggers left to run for this case?
> Hmm ... my recollection is that we put in the concept of marking because
> we needed it for correct behavior in some cases.  I don't recall exactly
> why though.

The comment there talks about someone doing a set constraints immediate
inside a trigger function.

         * Process all immediate-mode triggers queued by the query, and
         * the deferred ones to the main list of deferred events.
         * Notice that we decide which ones will be fired, and put the
         * ones on the main list, before anything is actually fired.  This
         * ensures reasonably sane behavior if a trigger function does
         * SET CONSTRAINTS ... IMMEDIATE: all events we have decided to
         * will be available for it to fire.
         * If we find no firable events, we don't have to increment

I think we were worried about it either skipping events or potentially
running events twice in that case, but I don't remember exactly either.

I'm not sure that looping would affect that though, it'd be basically
mark (0)
increment firing id (0->1)
run triggers using the old id (0)
- if the set constraints immediate was run here, it'd mark using the
- incremented id (hopefully incrementing again - will need to check) and
- run using that id (1->2) and (1)
mark (2)
increment firing id (2->3)
run triggers using (2)

There might be some other reason that's not enshrined in the comment

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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