How does Index scan perform a scan for overlapping Index Cond ?

If I get a plan like this, what will actually be performed if EXPLAIN
shows this:

 Sort  (cost=12.90..12.91 rows=1 width=207)
   Sort Key: log_actionseq
   ->  Index Scan using sl_log_1_idx2_hu, sl_log_1_idx2_hu,
sl_log_1_idx2_hu, sl_log_1_idx2_hu on sl_log_1  (cost=0.00..12.89 rows=1
         Index Cond: (
   ((log_xid < '1349053093') AND (log_xid >= '1349052761')) 
OR ((log_xid < '1349053093') AND (log_xid >= '1349052761')) 
OR ((log_xid < '1349053093') AND (log_xid >= '1349052761')) 
OR ((log_xid < '1349053093') AND (log_xid >= '1349052761'))

(this is from a query generated by Slony for 4 sets replicated from the
same master)

Will the same range be scanned 4 times ?

Or is the scan method smart enough to collapse them into one pass ?

Or does this actually mean 4 conactenated index scans (Index Scan using
X, X, X, X on sl_log_1) ?

Hannu Krosing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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