On Sep 6, 2005, at 6:02 PM, Josh Berkus wrote:

Bob, People,

Let me clarify my stance here, because it seems to be getting

Mark (and Nathan) pushed at repaired UUID type for possible inclusion in the core PostgreSQL distribution. I'm not opposed to that, provided that the portability, licensing, and bugs are worked out. Why not? We have
ipv6 data types, after all.

However, Mark went on to suggest that we should recommend UUID over SERIAL in the docs, and that we could consider dropping SERIAL entirely in favor
of UUID:

---quoth Mark------------------
I suggest that UUID be recommended in place of SERIAL for certain
classes of applications, and that it therefore belongs in the core.
UUID and SERIAL can be used together (although, once you have a
UUID, it may not be useful to also have a SERIAL).

This was what I objected to; I believe that the use-case for UUIDs is
actually quite narrow and assert that it's a very bad idea to promote them
to most users.

I agree with you (Josh) completely, which is why I said:
"If the documentation gives the user a good idea of when to use UUID and when not, I think it would be a good addition."

.. the fact that the use-cases are narrow was implicit :)

Everything else I talked about was just implementation details. Summary: there are (several) UUID implementations out there that are appropriately licensed and easy enough to use, and a lot of OSes ship with pretty good implementations already. Creating a decent UUID type should be relatively trivial, as far as those things go.


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