I wrote:
> Another note: PLs that are not in the core distribution are not
> created with createlang in the first place, so the issues that led up
> to this proposal don't apply AFAICT,

What I'm trying to say here is that it might be OK to hardcode the 
properties of core languages in the server, because considering that 
the only officially supported way to activate those is 
"createlang" (rather than using SQL), the properties of them are in 
effect already hardcoded, and from the point of view of a user who is 
using createlang, nothing changes.  For languages that are not shipped 
in the core, we gain pretty much nothing by this approach as currently 
implemented and potentially introduce more problems than we solve 
(e.g., language is compiled in an untrusted way, but template says it's 
trusted; template says language has validator, but user uses old 
version that has none; template points to $libdir, user has it 
installed elsewhere).

Peter Eisentraut

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